Monday, October 29, 2007

Children as Teachers

Woke up this morning and among the first thoughts I had was about the things we can learn from children.

They don't have to be our children. And they don't have to be of a certain age.

But it's better if they are in their pre-school to primary levels. They have an unbiased view of things and their insights are fresh and new. After you think you have answered their "why" questions they sometimes would follow that up with their "why nots" or "why can'ts". Then you would have an interesting conversation if you either have or find the time.

They're not questioning authority or intelligence or opinion. They just want to know why and not why you think so. Some times you will have the anwers, sometimes you won't and sometimes will have to think hard to come up with an answer. It becomes a two way street as you also learn from them.

It becomes more interesting as children grow up into adulthood. The questions lessen as they begin to learn from other people as well as from other sources.

I'll leave it at this, for now - I'm still learning. Yeah, both my parents are still alive and I hope I'm still able to teach them a thing or two.

And, careful what you teach your children. If you're lucky, they would be looking after you in your old age.

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