Sunday, March 14, 2010

TURNED OFF but not Tuned Out

No, I'm not off.

I've just slowly weaned myself off television.
I still keep it on most of the time but I do a lot more finger flicking on the remote to tune out or turn away from shows which feature SO-CALLED EXPERTS, on politics, SPECIALLY, who really just have their own inane, self-promoting ideas which don't help anyone but themselves.
So, if you know so much, what have you done for me, for us lately ?
Oh right, if you did know what to do about life's daily little messes, you would not be guesting on shows. Yes, yes, you have to guest, that's how you make your money and show other people they're not as "brainy" (sad ass brainy) as you are.

Then there are shows which basically INSULT ONE'S INTELLIGENCE, I am surprised they're still on. Oh yeah, there are a lot of people out there who DON'T GET IT. Sorry, the boat left a long time ago.

Yes, I keep the television on : to catch snippets of intelligent news reproting and just to know what to wear. No, no not from the celebrity or style shows. It's the weather guessers' I watch.
I want to know what I should wear from their "ability" to forecast how it's gonna feel outside. I already know how I am going to feel.

So you ask (or wonder) whom I watch or listen to.
It's the man (or woman, or child) on the street whom I observe or luckily get to share their story.
It's the real thing, not some made for TV (money) plot.
And I learn a lot (or a needed laugh) from.
It's not passive. There and then I get to do something better than sitting (or lying) in front of a TV I can't talk back to or get a reaction from.
It's live, it's REAL life and it's Free.
For all those times I did not get the chance to or I forgot to tell you how much I gained from allowing me a conversation or interaction :
Thank you !

Saturday, March 6, 2010

It's Not WHY? It's WHY NOT ?

You read right.
It's not WHY ?
It's WHY NOT ?

It's about having a dream and believing in it.
You know what it's like. You have an idea and someone tells you it's not going to work.
For some reason, you may be told it was done before and it didn't come out the way it was expected to.

You know better though and you go ahead and do what you have to do to make it happen.
And it does.

Or do you ?
It's Not WHY ?

Why you think do I know. What do you think I know ?
I know because I had a number of dreams come true.
And, yes,they started as daydreams. Yes, daydreams.
But they were the seeds. And once I planted these "seeds" in my head they started to grow.
And the universe seemed to know and over time, the wheels started to turn and the dreams came true.

It's Not WHY ?
It's Why NOT ?