Thursday, December 20, 2007

Flying brings out words starting with the letter 'S'


if nothing stupid happens, life would be boring.
if the character or characters in a book don't do something stupid, there would be no story worth reading.
so i thought while waiting for a plane to take me to a family holiday reunion.

got stranded this week for 10 hours at one of Texas' bigger airports, and not because of a weather related issue. got stranded due to the ineptitude of a flight crew of one of the supposedly bigger and better airlines in the USA. they didn't update their flight log and the subsequent crew flying the plane just didn't want to do so for safety reasons. and no, we, the passengers, were not told until we were about to take off.

i couldn't help but write about it. i thought about complaining about the incident with the airline's management but what for ? it's not going to change anything that's already happened. or maybe it will for other passengers on its future flights.

i have to laud the pilot, who happened to be a woman, finally flying us to our destination, for telling us exactly why we were not able to fly earlier. it was the same plane we were supposed to be flying on. but the earlier flight crews gave us "mechanical issues" as the reason we could not leave as scheduled. yes folks, two flight crews twisted the truth so they could hide the ineptitude of their fellows.

i know, it's galling. they didn't have the decency to be up-front about the problem. then they didn't even have the decency to alleviate our inconvenience - zif, nada.
after all, they already had our money.

they claim they're not profitable. but they continue to operate and continue to lack a better excuse to give us when they make mistakes. or compensate us for putting up with their mistakes.

i look at it this way. let the other passengers complain.

here's my complaint and take it as you want to. the airline is american airlines.

i'll try my best not to fly on them again. and when people ask me why i'll recount this unexcusable event. word of mouth is a worse way of death.

yes, you would have heard a lot of foul words starting with the letter 's' coming out of my mouth during the incident but i thought it wasn't the worst thing that could have happened.
it was just a temporary inconvenience.
a co-passenger put it to me this way : he would rather have the problem on the ground than up in the air.
yes, i got lucky and got stuck with some of the nicest people who decided to be civil about it, show their best behaviour and it made all the difference.
so to them i pass on my thanks, as well as to the pilot who told us, as well as showed us, what the "real" problem was.

and, yes, there are a lot of good words which start with the letter 's'

s . . . . .

s . . . .

s . . .

Monday, November 12, 2007

A Sunday Sermon

yes, i go to church on sundays. that is, when i can.
and lately, it's been almost every sunday.
i have to be honest - i'm a "lapsed" catholic, if there is one.
i've questioned my faith, some of the Catholic Church's practices, but not enough to be a heretic.

occasionally a priest's sermon would touch a nerve in me as so happened yesterday.
my sister nudged me when the priest mentioned something about family issues.
yes, our family has its share.
the priest was right in saying that some of the "crosses we carry" are self made,
self imposed.

i thought he was right in saying that we could resolve some of our issues by ourselves,
no need for third party intervention.
it's a matter of admitting or realizing our errors and doing something about it before it's too late for any resolution.
it's a matter of letting go of our self inflicted pain and accepting things we can't control or change.
and moving forward.

the sermon i heard yesterday was something i had to, i was meant to hear.
(we could have gone to a different church, but my almost 5 year old niece wanted us to go to this church, this particular sunday. and she has no idea of our family issues.)

it provided a moment of clarity, of looking at an issue or situation in a different light.
it made me consider "what ifs" and "why nots".
as well as reminded me that some wounds take time to heal.

just a sunday sermon.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Put It Out There

put it out there. and i don't mean or refer to your garbage. far from it, please.
i'm talking about your dreams, your thoughts - the good ones mainly.

it all starts with a thought.
most of the time followed by a "why not ?" rather than by a "why ?".
only later on will it be followed by "what made you think that ?" or "how did you think it up ?".
if you had thought about the follow up questions first, you'd end up not doing anything about your thought (or idea, or whatever you would like to call your epiphany of sorts).

but really, i woke up early this morning wanting to go to the bathroom. moments later my head just started churning out thoughts and you're reading (one of) them now.

put it out there.
sometimes you can and sometimes you can't. you sometimes have to hold on to a thought because it may not sound right or because of "timing" issues and concerns.
and sometimes you just have to put it out there and just go with the wind that takes it where it goes.

put it out there.
and go with the magic of it working the way you imagined it, whatever it is.
i've seen it happen. i've done it a number of times. geez, you've done it so many times.
that sudden instinct to do something, no thoughts required.
sometimes it's a hunger. sometimes it's an itch.
sometimes it's just something you have to do.
and sometimes they're not new imaginings.
or they may even be someone else's.

put it out there.
if you have to pray about it, go ahead.
i believe in prayers being answered. but be prepared.
not all prayers are answered immediately.
but they are, if you believe.
not in the way you want or in the way you imagined.
just be prepared.
life is filled with surprises - some pleasant, some not.
but it's all worth it.

put it out there. be surprised.

GO !

Saturday, November 10, 2007


i've noticed how people would sometimes ask me "how did you find out ?" or "how did you know ?" whenever i would tell them something they didn't know about or they didn't know i knew about.

you have time to do that ? is a common thing i would hear after i tell them i found out from the newspaper or read it online or heard it on the radio.

it's easy. i just notice things. it's all out there if you just paid a bit of attention, sometimes you don't even have to.

it's also sponge-like behaviour. we're sponges.
we have a tendency to pick up things by osmosis, just like plants.
it's how we were when we were kids.
notice the way you talk, or walk or what you eat and think.
you picked most of it up from the people you grew up with.
it's repetitive behaviour.
before you know it, you become like them or become one of them.

scary, but true. we'd like to think of ourselves as higher forms of being.
but we do things at a baser level.
we really have to think about how we do things or why.
we want to protect a way of life, of seeing and doing things.
we may deny it as much as we want to.
but when you turn on the radio or television, or read the front pages of the newspapers or your chosen webpage, you will see how much people everywhere are doing the same thing, operating at the same level of intelligence or intolerance.

we're all the same - sponges.

and wonder not when someone asks you why you think or act a certain way or why you know certain things and adhere to certain truths. you've sponged off your elders' way of life and thinking and watch out how your kids will turn out.

Monday, November 5, 2007



just finished reading Mitch Albom's For One More Day. it's about one "ordinary" day anyone might yearn for to make good with and/or seek forgiveness from a "lost" loved one.

i learned about the book while reading someone's blog last week.

soon after i tried to get a copy on Amazon but put it off thinking it was just another unnecessary expense.

the one i just read was borrowed from the local library yesterday after i accompanied my niece to return and borrow some books. take note - i wasn't thinking about borrowing the book. i just found it while browsing while i was waiting for my niece.

this past saturday's local paper, the Austin American-Statesman, carried an article in its Life and Arts section about an austin-based writer named Edmund "Bud" Shrake.

in it, the article's writer (Patrick Beach), started his piece by mentioning Mr. Shrake's mystical experience which occurred in September 2001. he had surgery on a cancerous tumor in a kidney. after getting medication for his pain, he had what he calls an "after-life experience".

he woke up in intensive care. one of his visitors, a former nurse, found him "dead" and revived him with cpr. he was told that he was "dead" for several minutes.

during the time he was out, Mr. Shrake remembers realizing he had a soul. he found out that life is the gasoline that runs y/our engine and death is right there, just like your elbow. he also realized that the universe is made of bits of information and that the universe is no fluke.

Mr. Albom's book is about death and dying too. and on an ordinary saturday afternoon i just happen to read about the subject from two unrelated sources: one factual and one supposedly fictional.

what strikes me most out of these recent readings is what the other author (Mr. Shrake) had to say about the universe being made up of bits of information.


makes me wonder less about why i blog or why i read other people's blogs.

Friday, November 2, 2007


that's how i perceive the blogs i've come across so far.
expressions of how their writers feel about whatever they wake up to, who they wake up with and what they eventually end up sleeping with (or on).

expressions of joy, of love, of fear, of sadness, of disgust, of anger.
we certainly have a lot to say if given the chance.
yeah, been reading a bit of the blogs out there.
some get to me in a good way.
some just turn me off, disgust me.
and so i walk away.

i'm sorry i can't satisfy the voyeurs out there.
i won't let you know about the people in my life.
or why, or how they are in it.
i will leave you with my own personal expressions.
that's all i will share and thank you for letting me share in yours.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Differences and Disappointments

this is my fourth posting on this blog.

i thought about using numbers for each post but i'll probably do that later after i've used up the letters of the english alphabet. i have to think up or think of something to write about now everytime i do a posting. it's still going to be random. (I'm already wondering what titles to use for the letters Q, X and Z. Oh joy !)

i guess i should have started my first posting with Aspirations, as in what i am aiming for with this blog. (gee, aiming starts with the letter A too !)

anyway, its differences and disappointments for now, as in differences in attitudes, opinions, taste,etc. can lead to disappointments.

i was lying in bed last night and got to think about why we never can please everybody.
i wouldn't even think of trying - it's bound to be the most frustrating and futile (now i have probable titles for the letter F), and in some instances - hurtful, thing you could even consider doing. (yeah, i felt bad about something someone said. it wasn't WHAT was said but HOW it was said. and yes, i got over my bad feelings. you'll soon see how.)

we need approval. and if not everyone approves of how we do things or live our life, tough.
so be it. no use beating yourself up or the disapprovers.

the most i can do and will do, if i eventually prove myself wrong, is apologize and make things (or feelings) right, if i could.

that said, i'd like to share with whoever reads this, the words to a song i heard years ago, growing up, which is one of the things which i easily recall whenever i feel i have let someone down.

it's a song done by herb alpert, to me one of the best trumpet players. and as i remember, it was titled Polyanna. i haven't been able to find it in any of his records or CDs in the market or online. but i swear i am not making this up.

so here are some of the lines from the song and i hope you agree with me too that it's a good rebound to give anyone whose expectations of us we have failed to live up to.


why should you be disappointed in me
i disagree with your point of view
i don't just exist in your life
i also exist in my life
and just like a tree, it belongs
i belong
you never would question a tree
whatever i do i'd be faithful to you
i have to be true to myself as well.

and it goes on except that i don't remember the rest of it.

the words summarize for me how i would like a relationship to work. we would always have our differences and disagreements. we could lessen our disappointments if we also remember that we also make mistakes and misjudgements. it doesn't have to be just with your significant other but also with your parents, siblings and friends.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Constipated (or another term for . . .)

No, I'm not constipated. not the the way the word is commonly used or understood.
the other meaning i have for it came up while my hairstylist and i were talking about some of the people she encounters in her business.

they go around with their noses up in the air. i said they must be "stuck up", unable to move __it when they're supposed to. so they have to hold their noses higher than the rest of us cause they have to smell their stuck up __ap. yes, she laughed at my insight.
and so i told her that it would be a good idea to use the word "constipated" for people who act like they were, even if they were just being their __itty selves.

heck, we're all the same - we all bleed when wounded, shed the same salty stuff when we cry.
but we have traits unique to each of us, we react differently to similar situations which prevent us from being robots.

so maybe it's just a "constipated" person's way of letting out (or lashing out at) some "injustice" thrust upon them. hey if you really get constipated, you'd feel a certain way too.

so there, next time you encounter a foul acting, foul mooded person, it's not about you but that person's way of reacting to some issue/s (you ?)

gotta go, gotta work on someone's issues.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Children as Teachers

Woke up this morning and among the first thoughts I had was about the things we can learn from children.

They don't have to be our children. And they don't have to be of a certain age.

But it's better if they are in their pre-school to primary levels. They have an unbiased view of things and their insights are fresh and new. After you think you have answered their "why" questions they sometimes would follow that up with their "why nots" or "why can'ts". Then you would have an interesting conversation if you either have or find the time.

They're not questioning authority or intelligence or opinion. They just want to know why and not why you think so. Some times you will have the anwers, sometimes you won't and sometimes will have to think hard to come up with an answer. It becomes a two way street as you also learn from them.

It becomes more interesting as children grow up into adulthood. The questions lessen as they begin to learn from other people as well as from other sources.

I'll leave it at this, for now - I'm still learning. Yeah, both my parents are still alive and I hope I'm still able to teach them a thing or two.

And, careful what you teach your children. If you're lucky, they would be looking after you in your old age.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The First Step

So, I have taken the first step - I've started my blog.
I can now post my day's thoughts and share it with those whom I just used to read
and possibly get their comments as well.

Why the blog title ?
A friend recently commented that I seemed to respond to her e-mails so fast and that made her call me "kidlat", the Tagalog term for lightning.
I told some friends and one of them started referring to me as "kidlat".

So, tonight as I was deciding on a name for my blog, it was what came to mind.
And here it is.

I'll be posting the random thoughts - nice, bad, dirty, cool, funny, sad, thought-provoking
which pop into my head as well as lines I may read or hear in the course of the day.