Thursday, December 20, 2007

Flying brings out words starting with the letter 'S'


if nothing stupid happens, life would be boring.
if the character or characters in a book don't do something stupid, there would be no story worth reading.
so i thought while waiting for a plane to take me to a family holiday reunion.

got stranded this week for 10 hours at one of Texas' bigger airports, and not because of a weather related issue. got stranded due to the ineptitude of a flight crew of one of the supposedly bigger and better airlines in the USA. they didn't update their flight log and the subsequent crew flying the plane just didn't want to do so for safety reasons. and no, we, the passengers, were not told until we were about to take off.

i couldn't help but write about it. i thought about complaining about the incident with the airline's management but what for ? it's not going to change anything that's already happened. or maybe it will for other passengers on its future flights.

i have to laud the pilot, who happened to be a woman, finally flying us to our destination, for telling us exactly why we were not able to fly earlier. it was the same plane we were supposed to be flying on. but the earlier flight crews gave us "mechanical issues" as the reason we could not leave as scheduled. yes folks, two flight crews twisted the truth so they could hide the ineptitude of their fellows.

i know, it's galling. they didn't have the decency to be up-front about the problem. then they didn't even have the decency to alleviate our inconvenience - zif, nada.
after all, they already had our money.

they claim they're not profitable. but they continue to operate and continue to lack a better excuse to give us when they make mistakes. or compensate us for putting up with their mistakes.

i look at it this way. let the other passengers complain.

here's my complaint and take it as you want to. the airline is american airlines.

i'll try my best not to fly on them again. and when people ask me why i'll recount this unexcusable event. word of mouth is a worse way of death.

yes, you would have heard a lot of foul words starting with the letter 's' coming out of my mouth during the incident but i thought it wasn't the worst thing that could have happened.
it was just a temporary inconvenience.
a co-passenger put it to me this way : he would rather have the problem on the ground than up in the air.
yes, i got lucky and got stuck with some of the nicest people who decided to be civil about it, show their best behaviour and it made all the difference.
so to them i pass on my thanks, as well as to the pilot who told us, as well as showed us, what the "real" problem was.

and, yes, there are a lot of good words which start with the letter 's'

s . . . . .

s . . . .

s . . .

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