Sunday, November 11, 2012

An Answered Prayer

I pray. I ask for things I want.
I pray for things I want.
I don't always get what I want.
Sometimes when I do, it takes a while.
And over time, I get to see why I do not always get what I pray for.

Anyway, there have been times when I have voiced my disappointment over unanswered prayers.
The first time I did, I walked out into a brightly lit night - by the moon. It was bright enough that I was able to see the backyard clearly. It was Someone's way of getting back to me on one of my prayers. Point taken !

The second time, and subsequently, I would get an answer through a penny.
Yes, a penny.
 I would, and still do, come across a penny and I would find it lying on the side where I could read the words "In God We Trust" engraved on it. That is a clear enough message to me about having a little faith that I will be getting an answer in time.

Shared these thoughts with a lady today. Gave her a penny and told her that I hope it would bring her luck.

Then I told her the story above.
She then told me that I had just answered a question she has asked for some time now after her husband passed away years ago. She's always told the Guy up there that she missed her husband and hoped he was fine. And then she would come across a penny, just like me.
It made sense to her now.  Her questions were being answered thru the pennies but she never made the connection. Until today. Until I told her my story.

I answered someone's prayer. I was used to pass on the answer.

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