Sunday, November 11, 2012


We all want the best and I know he tries to be the best, if not for himself, then for all the people he thought he had to impress.

He has never been perfect, as all of us are likewise not.

Deep inside I know he tried and tries.

But we are always judged as we are wont to judge.

All I can say about and what I will always remember about him is that he had and always has been around for me when I needed him most.

And I know he will be.

And no matter how bad I had been or how bad some of my choices in friends or in some of my decisions have been, no matter how rocky or how tenuous our relationship sometimes have been, he was always, has always been there when I turned to him for advice and/or help.

Isn't that what fathers are for ?

Just want you to know that in spite of whatever obvious differences and disagreements we have had, you have fulfilled your obligations as a father or what a child would expect from a father.

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